Category Archives: Sterility

Quick Tutorial – How to safely insert the Microblade into the Pen Tool

I have had a number of Students request a video showing how to easily and safely insert the Microblade into the pen tool.   This short video explains: Once your hands are in a new pair of gloves (do not touch the microblade until your hands are gloved): Turn the top of the pen tool to […]

Quality of Microblade Products and Supplies

It has been our quest to ensure that all the products in this E-shop have internationally acceptable sterility, quality and reliability.  All the microblades carry certificates confirming that these items are sterilised by gamma rays.     We have gone to great lengths to source and rigorously test every item in the shop and feel confident and proud to […]

Cleaning and disinfecting your Microblade Pen Tool

Okay – so I’ve bought my microblade pens and blades… How do I clean the pen tool? It is of utmost importance that you know that the ‘blade’ section is designed for single use and cannot under any circumstances be reused.  Simply dispose of the microblade responsibly in a sharps container.  The microblades really do not cost much […]


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